- Invoice Form

This is the manual invoice form which allows you to create an invoice for any product or service you like. In addition to typical invoicing, you can save your invoice without posting it - if the phone rings or you wish to go back at a later time and make changes before sending it to your member. If you wish to setup your system with invoice editing, with proper user security, invoices can be modified or deleted as is necessary.

Easy recurring billings can be setup using this same form. If you have items that need to be billed on a regular basis, but not on the dues bill simply add the line items, then set the next recurring date, the recurring frequency and the total number of times the invoice should be created. If you do want the items to appear on the members dues bill you can specify that in the same manner. No competing product offers this level of functionality and membership control. And it's all available in one, easy to use form.

You also have the ability to Fax and or E-mail an invoice to your customers.  This saves money on Paper and postage each year!

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